check out right swipe a quest for love !

Have you ever been on a dating app? Do you have one on your phone right now? If not, are you just a little bit curious? That is how it all started for Marilee Grace. Curiosity.

In Right Swipe! A Quest for Love, Marilee Grace embarks on a heartfelt, sometimes crazy, quest for true love. Join her as she navigates the world of dating apps, relationships, and ultimately, the transformative power of embracing oneself.

From the highs and lows of swiping through profiles to the emotional roller coaster of failed connections, this book uncovers the valuable lessons learned along the way. With humor, encouragement, and raw honesty, Right Swipe! A Quest for Love reveals the importance of self-love as the foundation for finding meaningful relationships.

Through introspection, soul-searching, and encounters with inspiring women, the author discovers that the key to true happiness lies within herself.

Through introspection, soul-searching, and encounters with inspiring women, the author discovers that the key to true happiness lies within herself. She learns to prioritize self-care, set boundaries, and cultivate a deep love and appreciation for her own worth. Along this empowering journey, she unapologetically becomes the person she was always meant to be - an authentic confident RightSwipeGirl. 

This book goes beyond mere dating antidotes, encouraging readers of all genders and relationship statuses to pursue themselves. It explores the universal need for self-love and offers practical insights and advice on how to navigate the complexities of relationships with grace, wisdom, and self-assurance.

Whether you're single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, Right Swipe! A Quest for Love will inspire you to Right Swipe on yourself. It's time to embrace your true worth, cultivate self-love, and unlock the transformative power within you. Get ready to embark on a journey that will change the way you view yourself, relationships, and the world around you.